The Balanced Horse Project ™ supports horses anywhere. We travel to private facilities, lay-up farms, racetracks, and events. Problems solving, Regenerative TLC, and other services are available when you need help.
Body Balancing, Photo Analysis, riding support, consulting, Assessments, Maintenance, and more.
Symposiums, conferences, trade shows, demonstrations, clinics, and workshops are available anywhere that horsemen gathered.
Travel arrangements:
By Car: Multiple bookings in general locations, will have a travel fee split amongst participants. Call charge is $.85 per mile from point of origin to point of primary service.
Exclusive contracts, private appointments will be responsible for the cost incurred by traveling from our last point of service to your destination.
Air Travel: The general point of departure should be considered Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Individuals or private groups are asked to pre-book appointments, allowing for the equal distribution of costs between participants. We are cost-aware when arranging air transportation.
Extra costs such as car rentals accommodations, etc. may be applied.
Organizations and professional groups contracting workshops, presentations, demonstrations, or speaking engagements are required to supply the mode of transportation contingent to contractual agreement.